
Fair Processing Notice

Our policy for handling personal data

IDG Communications, Inc. dba Foundry

If we obtained your business contact data from publicly available sources such as Company websites, Publicly available blogs, Articles, Honorable Mentions, and Publicly available staff directories, then this Fair Processing Notice is for you.
June 2022

FOUNDRY handles personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR). We recognise the importance of the correct and lawful processing of personal data in maintaining confidence in our operations and transparency for data subjects. We fully endorse and adhere to the principles set out in the GDPR.

FOUNDRY’s Processing of Personal Data

FOUNDRY processes business card type contact data for individuals with the aim of sending them relevant direct marketing emails on behalf of our customers where we believe these events, products or services may be of interest to the individuals in their professional capacity.

Where does FOUNDRY get your Personal data?

FOUNDRY collects personal business card type contact data from publicly available sources such as Company websites, Publicly available blogs, Articles, and Honorable Mentions.

What legal basis do we use to process your Personal Data?

The following table shows what legal bases FOUNDRY relies on for different types of processing where we obtained your personal data from third parties or publicly available sources:

Collection of data from publicly available sources Legitimate Interest
Sending you Direct Marketing emails Legitimate Interest
Tracking whether the direct marketing email was opened Legitimate Interest
Tracking your interaction with the content you are directed to Consent
Sharing your details with our Customers for them to contact you directly about their events, products or services Consent

How does FOUNDRY obtain your consent?

To track your interaction with the content you are directed to

FOUNDRY will ask for your consent in the email they send to you promoting the customers event, product or services. You will opt-in by clicking on the link to the landing page containing more information. If you do not consent then you should not click to the landing page.

To share your business card contact details with our customer

On arrival on the customer landing page you will be asked to opt-in if you agree to us sharing your business card data with the customer. Your data will only be shared if you give your opt-in consent to be contacted.

Ensuring your personal data is safe and accurate

FOUNDRY ensures that data held on our computer systems is secure, to guard against unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss, destruction of, or damage to personal data.

If you give us consent to pass your business card contact data to a customer of ours and that customer is outside of the EEA or UK we will ensure that your data will only be transferred if there are processes in place to keep your data as safe as it is in the EEA or the UK.

FOUNDRY only collects and records personal data that is necessary to carry out its business aims, nothing more. FOUNDRY checks that the personal data being recorded is accurate.

Retaining personal data

We will only retain personal data if a business need exists and you have not objected. It is not kept longer than is necessary for that purpose. To this end, FOUNDRY has in place and applies a formal retention policy for personal data.

Your rights to access your personal data

Under the GDPR, you have the right to ask to see the data which FOUNDRY holds about you and to know for what purpose. If you want to see what personal data we hold about you then please email us at datarequest@idg.com and give your full name.

If you hold more than one email address, you will need to send separate requests from each. You should send your request to: datarequest@idg.com.

We aim to comply as quickly as possible. We will ensure that we deal with all requests within one month of receipt. If longer time is required we will notify you of this.

If you want to know about your other rights under the GDPR, please look at our privacy policy.

Complaints about how we process your personal data

In the first instance, an individual should contact FOUNDRY.

You may contact our Data Protection Officer on:

You also have the right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority.